
Philip O. Ekiugbo

Faculty member

National Institute for Nigerian Languages, Aba


+234 706 285 1103



  • PhD Linguistics (Phonology), Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

  • MA Linguistics, University of Benin, Benin, Nigeria

  • BA Linguitics, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria


  1. Akinbo S. and P. O. Ekiugbo (2024). Iconicity as the motivation for morphophonological metathesis and truncation in Nigerian Pidgin. To appear in: Open Linguistics 10(1).

  2. Eme, C. A. and P. O. Ekiugbo. (2024). Hiatus Resolution in Urhobo: A Constraint-Based Account. An-Najah Research Journal B (Humanities) 32(2): 403-418.

  3. Ekiugbo, P. O. and C. A. Eme (2023). Coda Adaptation in Urhobo-English Loanwords: A Constraint-Based Account. Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching 14(1): 107-120.

  4. Ekiugbo, P. O. 2022. Rule Ordering in Uvwie. Macrolinguistics 10(1): 89-107. [PDF]

  5. Ekiugbo, P. O. and E. M. Darah. 2022. and E. M. Darah. (2022). A Survey of Language Use by Speakers of Minor Nigerian Languages in the Social Media Spaces. Hayatian Journal of Linguistics and Literature 6(1): 273-292. [PDF]

  6. Darah, E. M. and P. O. Ekiugbo. 2022. Psychological Manipulation in Political Discourse: A Case Study of Facebook Posts on Urhobo Language Curriculum. TRANS-KATA: Journal of Language, Literature, Culture, and Education 3(1): 13-21.

  7. Ekiugbo, P. O. and C. U. C. Ugorji. 2019. A Descriptive Phonology of the vowel system of Uvwie. Linguistique et Langues Africaines 5: 89-107. [PDF]

  8. Ejobee, L. O. and P. O. Ekiugbo. 2018. Children and Language Choice: A Case Study of Abraka Speech Community. Journal of Linguistic Association of Nigeria 21(1): 110-115. [PDF]

  9. Ekiugbo, P. O. 2018. A Note on Lexical Nominalization in Urhobo. In: S. I. Awhefeada, E. Ojaruega and P. E. Omoko (eds), Scholarship and Commitment: Essays in honour of G. G. DARAH, Pp. 473 - 478. Lagos: Malthouse Press Limited.

  10. Ekiugbo, P. O. and A. Diffre-Odiete. 2018. Is Erohwa Still Alive? Journal of Linguistic Association of Nigeria (Supplement III): 60 – 67. [PDF]

  11. Ekiugbo, P. O. and T. V. Ayunku. 2018. Affixation Types in Izon. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation 1(3): 1 – 5. [PDF]

  12. Emonefe, A. O., C. U. C. Ugorji and P. O. Ekiugbo. 2017. Is Uvwie a Dialect of Urhobo? University of Benin Journal of Humanities 5(1): 27-52. [PDF]

  13. Ikoyo-Eweto, E. O. and P. O. Ekiugbo. 2017. A Phonetic Analysis of Uvwie Vowels. Journal of West African Languages 44 (2): 1-13.[PDF]

  14. Darah, M. E. and P. O. Ekiugbo. 2014. Dissecting the Phenomenon of Borrowing in Urhobo. Journal of Linguistics, Language and Culture 1: 17-27. [PDF]